60.Little Hartley Historic Precinct:

60.Little Hartley Historic Precinct:

Location: On the Great Western Highway,and  including the imposing ashlar built Rosedale (1839), Harp of Erin (1832), Moyne Farm (c1823), Meads Farm (c1856), Billesdene Grange (c1831), Sheepcombe/William’s Store moved from Hartley Vale(c1832), and Ambermere (Rose Inn c1845) as well as many other historic buildings.

Altitude, Lat/Long: 790m AHD;-33.5681,150.2050;

Time required at site: 1 hr

Relevance to Cox’s Road: A small hamlet that developed along Mitchells Road with early land grants and buildings serviced by Cox’s Road.

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