25. Snake Valley Creek

25. Snake Valley Creek

Location:Junction of Carlwood Road and Snake Valley Creek (Carlwood Station)

Altitude, Lat/Long:805m AHD;-33.584273, 149.875891

Time required at site: 30 min

Relevance to Cox’s Road: Plan of the Fish River between the O’Connell Plains and the Fish River Crossing redrawn from the note book of Assistant Surveyor James McBrien
(1823) by a government draftsman E Gerard in 1863, illustrating: 1. The location of gold flecks found by McBrien west of Locksley (midway between the Tarana
Road on the northern side of the Fish River and Muttons Falls road south of the Fish River); 2. The locations and areas of favoured land grants along this section
of the Fish River ranging from 27 – 2000 acres; 3. The precision of map products in 1823 (There is a high correlation between McBrien’s Fish River map and contemporary 1:25,000 topographic map of the same location). There appears to be a high reliance on the location of marked gum trees acting as way points
along the river. Mount Tarana, identified as the high point of a range is within William Lane’s 1000 acre grant as is the confluence of Solitary Creek with Fish River.

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