40.Mount Blaxland

40.Mount Blaxland

Location: Travel about 5km from the Great Western Highway via McKanes Falls Road to McKanes Bridge-Coxs River Junction. Turn into the basic carpark area on the southern side of Coxs River. Note that Mount Blaxland cannot be legally accessed from this location. This was also believed to be the site of a stockade for a period of time.

Altitude, Lat/Long: 879m AHD; -33.5502, 150.1242

Time required at site: 30 min to 1hr

Relevance to Cox’s Road: The summit of this mountain was the endpoint of Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth’s mountain crossing in 1813, named by Evans in 1813, and is less than a kilometre north of Cox’s east-west road.

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